Tag Archive | Reiki

Sudden Clarity — What an Amazing Gift!

I was having a conversation with one of the few people in my life who I trust with every bit of me. Looking back, I don’t remember exactly how the conversation went, but its unfolding brought me to a place of crystal clarity. As we talked, pieces of a puzzle that I’ve been working for a long time simply began falling into place and everything became clear at last.  My friend was drawing out of me all of the signs and synchronicities that I hadn’t added up before. From my childhood dream to be a vet (which I had completely forgotten) to my bizarre experience of channeling the emotional pain and sorrow of abused and neglected animals.  All of a sudden there it was – no denying any more.  ‘Oh my God, it’s the Animals! It’s the Animals!’ I am passionate about Animals being respected and treated as the divine beings of light that they are!

I want to educate people about Animals and the Light they bring to the world. I want to be in a million places at once – comforting every suffering Animal. I want people to understand that Animals have souls just like the rest of us, understand that Animals have the capacity for love and sorrow, joy and grief. In these ways they are like humans. In other ways, animals are very unlike humans. They don’t hold grudges; they don’t hate; they don’t worry about tomorrow or regret yesterday’s choices; they don’t judge – from their perspective, there is no such thing as right or wrong, good or bad, pretty or ugly, fat or skinny, smart or stupid. There’s so much we can learn from Animals – so much we need to pay attention to.

Later, after the high of this earth shattering personal revelation,  in comes the ego: “Why didn’t I put this all together before? What took me so long? I’ve wasted so much time”, etc. And later still, “Maybe I’m wrong.  Maybe I’m making this all up. How am I to be sure?” So before I went to sleep I asked for a sign.

That night, I dreamed I was walking in the forest with a group of children.  We saw a woman sitting on the ground. She was wrapped in a bear skin, with the head intact, and she was surrounded by Animals. One of the children started yelling and taunting the Animals and I scolded him. Then there was a huge snake. I was nervous about the snake, so I started walking again. I stopped behind a tall wooden fence and then the snake’s head appeared above the fence. It slithered down the fence and wrapped itself around me until I was completely in the dark. I kept telling myself, ‘don’t panic, just breathe, it’s ok.’ I asked the snake what it wanted. Then it billowed open around me, like a big satin sheet, and disappeared….  into me.

Now, if that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is!

The next day, I was reminded that the Goddess Artemis (Greek Goddess of the Hunt and Protector of Animals) was present at my level II Reiki attunement! Later, I spent the afternoon at the park and I kid you not: Dogs were looking at me differently! One dog came up to me while I was sitting in the grass and his human exclaimed, ‘OMG he NEVER approaches ANYONE – EVER!’

Mahatma Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” I say it’s time for the entire world to reach for greatness and I’m ready to step forward with confidence and do my part.


I wrote this blog entry on May 6th, but never posted it.  Since then, I have left my full-time job and started marketing my Animal Reiki business, Sentient Love. It’s only been two months, but recently I’ve felt as if the flow has slowed. My marketing efforts haven’t brought any new clients and frankly, the pressure to make money at it only serves to drain all the joy from the original idea of being in service. There’s a reason I stumbled upon this blog entry today. It’s time to realign with my original intent. Thanks, Universe. You always amaze and never disappoint.


P.S. If you feel inclined, please visit my website, sentientlove.com and/or my Facebook page, facebook.com/sentientlove.


The Funk (not the groovy one)

Lately I’ve been feeling low — head-achy at times, my energy level is low, my mood is sad (on the verge of tears), and I feel a heavy energy, almost like a weight, pushing down on me.  It’s clear that the cause of my depressed state of mind isn’t anything that’s going on in my own life. My life is actually great right now! So it must be a result of the sadness and stress that’s happening in the lives of the people around me. (Not to mention the planetary upset right now, i.e. hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.) The past week has been a tumultuous one for many of the people in my every day life; my kids, my co-workers, and my friends. I’ve always been sensitive to the energy of others, and this sensitivity seems to be increasing. I’m not sure I like it.

Every morning I ask Archangel Michael and St. Germain to surround me with protection and every night, Archangel Michael clears my chakras and cuts any energetic cords (not serving my highest good) that were attached during the day. So, why have I been carrying other peoples negative junk around all week long? I definitely don’t like it.

I’m aware there are various techniques for raising your vibration/releasing negative energy, but when I’m feeling this way I don’t want to put effort into anything, even when I know it might make me feel better. However, enough is enough. It’s time for action. Instead of sitting around in a funk, or taking another nap, I’m going try a few things and see what helps.

1. Walk outdoors: As I walked, I tried to focus on breathing in light and blowing out the darkness, but I wasn’t really able to put my heart into it. Along the way, there were a few things that made me smile, but only half-heartedly. One strange thing was, I passed a man who smiled the most radiant, love-filled smile and said hello, and it made me feel like crying. I hate to admit it, but I think I felt jealous of his obvious joy. After about 45 minutes walking outdoors, I’m actually feeling heavier.

2. Salt bath: Correction – Reiki infused salt bath: (Duh. You know Reiki. Use it!) Still, not feeling much better. In fact, no difference at all.

3. Watch a funny video (Seinfeld, Season 1, Episode 4 – The Robbery): Meh. Still heavy.

4. Late lunch with my lovely friend: Bingo! And to think I almost cancelled! Even though I was a wreck by the time I got there (when she asked how I was doing, I burst into tears), by the end of our time together I was feeling like a new person. Thank God!

Lesson learned. When all else fails, friends will pull you through. Thank you, my dear, sweet friend. You know who you are 😉

Healing the Past With Reiki

Today I took an unplanned detour to the house where I lived from 4th through 8th grade. Fittingly, the property is now a junkyard. However, the old shack where we used to live still stands. I parked the car and let the memories flow. Five years of memories. None good. (Well, maybe one – picking blackberries with my brother, from the giant bush in the backyard, to put on our cereal.)

As I write this, I feel certain that my little field trip was Divinely guided. I realize now that as I sat in my car, looking through a chain link fence at the house where I never felt safe or protected, I didn’t feel the sorrow that I expected to feel. I didn’t re-live any of those old feelings of inadequacy, anger, fear or regret. I simply sat, looking, accepting.

Then, I called my Reiki Guides and Healing Angel Helpers and I asked them to help me send Reiki to the little girl who used to live there. I asked that everyone in that time and place receive healing for our highest and best good. The Reiki flowed swiftly and powerfully from my hands and my crown chakra. I’m not sure how long I sat there, but eventually I think I felt the little girl inside of me breathe a sigh of relief. She knows now that she is loved. She is safe. She is protected.


Thank you, Mother Earth.

Today I laid in the grass and gave Reiki to the earth.  I feel it’s the least I can do in an attempt to make amends for the eons of abuse inflicted on her by mankind.  Well, that and recycling.  I could feel Mother Earth’s gratitude as she soaked up the healing energy, and in return, she filled me with her grounding strength while I reveled in the warmth of the autumn sun on my skin and the sweet smell of green grass and clover.